Contract Staffing

Contract staffing is the practice of hiring individuals on a temporary basis for a certain project or length of time without granting them permanent employment.

  • It is a flexible staffing model that allows businesses to quickly scale up or down their workforce based on their immediate needs.
  • Businesses can profit from contract staffing in a variety of ways, including cost savings, decreased hiring risks, and access to specialized expertise.
  • Contract staffing provides businesses with the flexibility to quickly adjust their workforce size based on changing market conditions or project requirements.
  • Contract staffing can be an effective strategy for businesses to try out potential candidates before considering them for permanent employment, reducing the risk of hiring mistakes.

We look for employees for part-time, full-time, agency staffing, and zero-hour positions based on the demands of the organization.

Payroll Management

  • Data Collection
  • Input Validation
  • Payroll Accounting
  • Data Reporting
  • Timely Salary Release
  • Payroll Statutory Compliance

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Corporate Office

2nd Floor, Pride Centre, MG Rd, Mangaluru, Karnataka 575003

91410 36372